Chinese smartphone giant, Xiaomi announced it’s Redmi 5A in India a few weeks back. Initially, both the 16GB and 32GB variants were sold online exclusively on Flipkart and However now, you can purchase the 3GB RAM + 32GB storage option from the offline retail outlets in the country. The 16GB model costs $77, while the 32GB variant retails for $116. The smartphone is the successor to the company’s Redmi 4A, which is undoubtedly made to compete with the handsets like Galaxy J2, Moto C, Bharat 5, and 10.or D in the country.
Xiaomi Redmi 5A: Specifications
Speaking about the specifications of Redmi 5A, it sports a 5-inch IPS LCD display with 1280 × 720 pixels resolution. Under the hood, it is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 425 chipset coupled with Adreno 308 GPU. It comes in two storage options which include: 2GB RAM + 16GB storage and the other packs 3GB RAM + 32GB storage. On the software front, the handset runs Android 7.1.2 Nougat out of the box with Xiaomi’s MIUI customisation.
The Redmi 5A equips a 13-megapixel primary camera with f/2.0 aperture lens. The rear shooter is accompanied by a LED flash, and it has a PDAF, HDR, Burst mode, Face recognition and 1080p video recording. On the other hand at the front, the device features a 5-megapixel camera with f/2.0 aperture lens. The phone measures 140.44 × 70.14 × 8.35mm in terms of dimensions and weighs at around 137 grams. The whole package gets the power of a non-removable 3000mAh battery.
Connectivity-wise you do get an option of dual SIM, 4G VoLTE support, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth 4.1, GPS with A-GPS, GLONASS, and a 3.5mm audio port. It also has an IR blaster which lets you adjust the settings of your gadgets and appliances at your home. The smartphone comes in three colour options – Gold, Dark Grey and Rose Gold.
The post Xiaomi Redmi 5A 3GB RAM variant now can be purchased via offline stores for $116 in India appeared first on AndroidSPIN.
by Onkar Soundankar via AndroidSPIN
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