A new smartphone - dubbed Blackshark' - has been spotted in a benchmark listing. While the maker isn't revealed, the codename suggests a connection to Xiaomi as the Chine company owns backed Black Shark Technology Incorporated. Some of the key specs the AnTuTu listing uncovers include Snapdragon 845 SoC, 2160 x 1080 pixel display, and 8GB RAM. The listing also reveals some other specs like Android 8.0 Oreo, and 32GB storage. There have already been rumors that Xiaomi is working on a gaming phone and the 'Blackshark' could well be it, coming to take away the best gaming phone crown...
by via GSMArena.com - Latest articles
Xiaomi Blackshark' with Snapdragon 845 and 8GB RAM spotted in benchmarks
Reviewed by Ossama Hashim
February 21, 2018
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