
Is The Essential Phone Essentially Crap? Kinda...

Richard Goodwin 11/04/2018 - 2:43pm

Kinda. And this is pretty disappointing given the pedigree of the people and company behind it

Interested in an Essential Phone?

You can now pick one up via Amazon for just over £400.

That’s INSANELY cheap given just how expensive it was when it first arrived.

So why is it now so cheap?

Simple: the Essential Phone isn’t very good.

Plenty of reviewers labelled it a damp squib, while others lamented its camera performance and squiffy performance.

Essential – no longer run by Andy Rubin – has worked its ass off to get the phone ship-shape between its release and now, but it seems as if the bulk of the damage has already been done.

I mean, NONE of these reviews are in anyway positive.

Essential Phone Reviews (YouTube)

Why Essential Phone is Cheaper Than Galaxy S9

Simple: it’s not as good.

The reviews have confirmed this. And that means, even at £429, this phone is probably still not a good buy.

And that’s a real shame because the phone itself is gorgeous-looking.

In fact, I’d probably go as far as saying it is one of the best-looking phones around right now.

And yes, that includes the iPhone X and Galaxy S9.

Let’s hope Essential gets its house in order for the Essential Phone 2.

If it ever happens.

by rgoodwin via Featured Articles
Is The Essential Phone Essentially Crap? Kinda... Is The Essential Phone Essentially Crap? Kinda... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on April 11, 2018 Rating: 5

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