Asus has launched two new budget smartphones in the Indian market, the ZenFone Lite L1 and the ZenFone Max M1. The two phones will go against the current segment leaders, the Xiaomi Redmi 6A and the Redmi 6, respectively. The ZenFone Lite L1 is priced at INR5,999 ($82) at launch, which is the same as the Redmi 5A price. The ZenFone Max M1 is priced at INR7,499($102), which slightly undercuts that of the more expensive Redmi 6. The pricing is introductory on both devices, with the ZenFone Lite L1 set to cost INR6,999($95) and the ZenFone Max M1 to go to INR8,999($122) after the launch...
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Asus launches ZenFone Lite L1 and ZenFone Max M1 in India
Reviewed by Ossama Hashim
October 17, 2018
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