Samsung unveiled the Galaxy A10, A30, and A50 smartphones last month, and today, the company has further expanded its A series by announcing the Galaxy A20. The Samsung Galaxy A20 is powered by Exynos 7884 SoC - the same chipset that makes the Galaxy A10 tick. The smartphone comes with 3GB RAM and 32GB of storage and it has a microSD card slot that allows storage expansion by up to 512GB. The Galaxy A20 is built around a 6.4-inch HD+ Infinity-V Super AMOLED display on the front while the back flaunts what Samsung calls 3D Glasstic design. As the name suggests, it's a combination of...
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Samsung Galaxy A20 goes official with 6.4-inch Infinity-V display and 4,000 mAh battery
Reviewed by Ossama Hashim
March 19, 2019
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