Don’t be the person who forgets to get mom something special this coming Mother’s Day. Cards, chocolates, dinner, and other gifts always, sure, but so do flowers. This year you can send mom twice as many flowers for your money.
Teleflora works with your local florists to craft and send beautiful bouquets. Each one is designed by hand and delivered in person with a vase of your choosing. This isn’t the generic box of stuff that just shows up.
Choose by flower type and decide from floral baskets, centerpieces, or even gourmet food baskets.
A Deal that’s Twice as Nice
For 2019 you can snag an amazing deal through the AndroidGuys Deals Store. Pay just $20 and you’ll end up with $40 worth of credit. That’s spreading your money twice as thick.
Available now, you can use the credit anywhere and anyhow you want, site-wide at Teleflora.
- Supports local businesses & strengthens communities
- Offers a large selection of bouquets for every occasion
- Delivers holiday flowers, floral baskets, centerpieces & gourmet food baskets
- Lets you shop flowers by type, occasion, or via guides
- Includes $40 credit to be used site-wide, excluding delivery/service fees
Get started immediately and make sure you’re not that last-minute guy who can’t get mom her flowers in time. The same day and next day delivery is subject to the capacity of your local flower shops so be smart.
Want to take advantage of this deal more than once? All you have to do is open a different web browser or open an incognito tab. Buy now and save it for a birthday or another event later in the year.
Best Sellers
Save even more!
For every $25 you spend in the AG Deals Store you get $1 credit added to your account. And, if you refer the deal via social media or an email that results in a purchase, you’ll earn $10 credit in your account.
First Time Buying?
If this is your first time buying, you are also eligible for 10% discount! Just be sure to subscribe for email updates.
Free Stuff
Not looking to spend any money today? No worries. You can still visit the AndroidGuys section for freebies and pick something anyhow.
by AndroidGuys via AndroidGuys
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