
How to Convert Text to Date Values in Microsoft Excel

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Analysis of business data often requires working with date values in Excel to answer questions such as “how much money did we make today” or “how does this compare to the same day last week?” And that can be hard when Excel doesn’t recognize the values as dates.

Unfortunately, this is not unusual, especially when multiple users are typing this information, copying and pasting from other systems and importing from databases.

In this article, we will describe four different scenarios and the solutions to convert the text to date values.

Dates that Contain a Full Stop/Period

Probably one of the most common mistakes beginners make when typing dates into Excel is doing so with the full stop character to separate the day, month, and year.

Excel will not recognize this as a date value and will go ahead and store it as text. However, you can solve this problem with the Find and Replace tool. By replacing the full stops with slashes (/), Excel will automatically identify the values as dates.

Select the columns on which you want to perform the find and replace.

Dates with a full stop separator

Click Home > Find & Select > Replace—or press Ctrl+H.

Read the remaining 41 paragraphs

by Alan Murray via How-To Geek
How to Convert Text to Date Values in Microsoft Excel How to Convert Text to Date Values in Microsoft Excel Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on May 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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