The vivo U3 that was teased yesterday and slated to be unveiled on October 21 is already official. It's built around a 6.53" FHD+ display that has a notch up top for the 16MP selfie camera. Around back, you get a fingerprint reader, accompanied by a triple camera setup which consists of 16MP main, 8MP ultrawide and 2MP macro units. On the inside, the vivo U3 has a Snapdragon 675 SoC, coupled with up to 6GB RAM. The smartphone has 64GB of onboard storage and boots Android Pie-based Funtouch OS 9. It also comes with features like Multi-Turbo, Game Space, and the company's AI-based...
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vivo U3 goes official with Snapdragon 675 SoC, triple cameras, and a 5,000 mAh battery
Reviewed by Ossama Hashim
October 19, 2019
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