Xiaomi announced the Redmi K30 5G last week with a Snapdragon 765G chipset with a built-in 5G modem and up to 8 GB RAM and 256 GB storage. Now, the Chinese regulatory TENAA approved 12 GB RAM and 512 gigs of storage for the phone, meaning it should arrive on the market very soon. The Redmi K30 5G has a 6.67" LCD panel with Full HD+ resolution and dual punch-hole design for the two selfie cameras - the main one being 20 MP, accompanied by a 2 MP depth sensor. There are four more shooters on the back, with the main one being 64 MP with IMX686 sensor, making it the first smartphone...
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Redmi K30 5G certified with 12 GB RAM and 512 GB storage
Reviewed by Ossama Hashim
December 16, 2019
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