The vivo Z5 launched last July with Snapdragon 712 SoC and 48MP triple camera will get a successor on February 29, dubbed vivo Z6 5G. vivo shared an image on Weibo revealing the Z6 5G's design. It has a punch hole in the display and around the back is a quad camera setup accompanied by a fingerprint scanner. The vivo Z6 will have a Snapdragon 765G SoC at the helm and come with what the company describes as "PC-grade" liquid cooling. It will support dual-mode 5G and pack a 5,000 mAh battery charging at 44W. The rest of the specs of the Z6 5G are currently unknown, but vivo did...
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vivo Z6 5G arriving on February 29 with Snapdragon 765G SoC and 5,000 mAh battery
Reviewed by Ossama Hashim
February 20, 2020
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