A vivo smartphone with the model number V2006 has appeared on Geekbench, sporting a Snapdragon 765G with 8GB of RAM and running Android 10. That same model received Bluetooth certification at the beginning of June under the name of vivo X60s 5G. Additionally it was certified with the Danish UL (Demko), revealing it will support 11V/3A (33W) charging). So, rounding off the specs we have a vivo smartphone with a Snapdragon 765G, 5G support and 33W charging - which coincides with both the vivo X50 and the vivo X50 Pro. Rumors also point to this being the global variant of the China-bound...
by via GSMArena.com - Latest articles
Vivo X60s 5G surfaces with Snapdragon 765G, 33W charging
Reviewed by Ossama Hashim
July 28, 2020
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