
Get Bitdefender Antivirus PLUS 2013 Free for 1 Year

Few months back Bitdefender released its first free antivirus which is getting popular day by day but still it has limited functionality and cannot handle the big attacks by hackers and spammers. So they decided to give Bitdefender Antivirus PLUS 2013 free license keys to all the readers of all you need to do is to follow the simple steps mention at the end of the post and grab your free key now. This package is a combination of antivirus and anti-spyware defense which means that it will provide you extra added functionality from free version.
Bitdefender Antivirus PLUS 2013

Bitdefender Antivirus PLUS 2013 Features:

Independent tester’s top Choice in 2012

Creating any software product is not as easy as it sound because you have to defend each and every part of computer against the evil stuff. Many software companies text these products to ensure quality and safety of consumers and in September 2012 Bitdefender has been given the best security software company in the world.

Silent Security

Don’t be afraid from this term because its good for you and for your computer. The term is used when any product is capable of handling the difficult situations without your command and its normally know as artificial intelligence.

Bank & Shop online with complete confidence

Gone are the days when scammers used to create phishing websites and try to hack the username and passwords of people. Now this antivirus product will instantly tell you about the phishing site and let you shop online without any tension.

How to get Bitdefender Antivirus PLUS 2013 Free

 Now Go to this Bitdefender giveaway page and enter you details like name and email address. Soon you will receive and email with your unique free one year license key. Enjoy!
Reviewed by News Tracker on January 01, 2013 Rating: 5

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