
NRA releases shooting game for iPhone

NRA: Practice Range

(Credit: Screenshot by Lance Whitney/CNET)

The National Rifle Association has launched a mobile shooting game in the wake of the furor over gun violence.

NRA: Practice Range is designed for iPhone and iPad users who want a little virtual target practice. The free game offers a variety of handguns and rifles which you can use to shoot at targets indoors or outdoors. Simply pick your weapon of choise and then tap the screen to fire at the targets.

The indoor level is easiest as the targets don't move, while the two outdoor levels require you to shoot at skeets and other moving targets.

The launch of the app may seem ill-timed at best and hypocritical at worst given the nation's current mindset over guns and the NRA's recent response.

The app was officially released this past Sunday, almost one month after the tragic shootings at the Sandy Hook school in Newtown on December 14. Following an initial week of silence after the shootings, NRA president Wayne Lapierre finally spoke out on December 21.

In his press conference, Lapierre placed part of the blame for the shootings on violent video games, calling their makers a "callous, corrupt, and corrupting shadow industry that sells, and sows, violence against its o... [Read more]

by Lance Whitney via CNET

NRA releases shooting game for iPhone NRA releases shooting game for iPhone Reviewed by News Tracker on January 15, 2013 Rating: 5

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