As we approach 2013, we are seeing the adoption newer technologies such as visual voicemail service. As the most well-known and popular option, Google Voice arrived with immediate fanfare a few years ago and brought with it the transcriptions of messages to the mainstream public. While Google Voice is away and by far the most popular, it does seem a bit limited to a certain extent for some users, so it’s only natural that different alternatives surface. With that in mind— YouMail aims to make receiving voicemail and transcriptions of voicemails just a little bit… “smarter” than other offerings from services like Google Voice.
Many of you are probably wondering what YouMail is, right? Well in a nutshell— it’s a service that allows users to access their voicemails and messages on their smartphones or tablets using the YouMail app. Essentially, cellphone users sign up for the service by simply giving their name and cellphone number. Once done, YouMail replaces your main voicemail number with its own voicemail number to start off with and then from there users of the app and service begin to personalize both to their liking.
The main feature of the app and service is simple enough– but it goes much deeper beyond visual voicemails. In addition to the traditional read-by-email transcription service, which includes the ability to organize your messages into folders— YouMail offers a few additional cool features. The most noteworthy one right off the bat are the Smart Greetings, which actually greets callers by calling them by name or through a pre-recorded greeting either from the app or done by you. Another is Caller Ditching– which is another way of being able to screen callers and either trick them into thinking your cellphone number is out of service or thinking they can’t leave a message. Very cool indeed.
The app is free to download and is available for all Froyo+ plus devices— however we must note that the service is not available for prepaid cellphone users at this time. But for the rest of you, YouMail certainly is worthwhile to at least try out. Once you get used to it and use it regularly, we’re sure you’ll use it as your main voicemail service.
YouMail App Aims To Make Voicemail Services A Little “Smarter”
Reviewed by News Tracker
January 01, 2013
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