
Assertion bug will crash apps in Mountain Lion if triggered

The Next Web has uncovered a bug in OS X that will crash the current application almost every time if invoked. Reportedly, in applications that support text entry fields, if you type the text "File:" followed by three forward slashes in the field to indicate a file address, then the program being used will freeze and then quit.

The bug is a problem in a core system service called Data Detectors that is responsible for handling dates and locations, part of which is a checking routine for an entered URL address. When you type information into programs that support Apple's central text-handling services in OS X, the system apparently actively checks text strings with a service called Data Detectors, and part of this routine is to validate URL addresses; however, when handling filesystem addresses it runs into an error it cannot recover from, which results in the crash.

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Assertion bug will crash apps in Mountain Lion if triggered Assertion bug will crash apps in Mountain Lion if triggered Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on February 04, 2013 Rating: 5

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