
Trying to lose weight? Breathe into this gadget

Breezing measures oxygen and CO2 levels to tell you how many calories you need to burn.

(Credit: Indiegogo)

Did you indulge at the Super Bowl party last night? Maybe you're still trying to work off the excesses of the holidays. Well, here's a dieting tool that's quite breathtaking -- literally.

Created by four Ph.Ds, mostly from Arizona State University, Breezing is a portable device that measures your metabolism using a method called indirect calorimetry. It analyzes your rates of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production.

You breathe into the mouse-size gadget that contains a sensor cartridge. It gauges your resting energy expenditure (REE), the metabolic rate indicating how quickly you're burning calories at rest. If you're trying to slim down, the faster the better.

It also tracks your respiratory quotient, showing whether you're burning carbs, fats, or a mix of both.

The data are transmitted to your smartphone or mobile device via Bluetooth and displayed in a Breezing app, which tracks your calories burned and dieting progress over time.

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Trying to lose weight? Breathe into this gadget Trying to lose weight? Breathe into this gadget Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on February 04, 2013 Rating: 5

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