
Jelly to the Belly Bean

Custom 4.2 Visits Toro

With each new release of the sweet treats from the Android Mother Ship, Google, there is a race (at times a meander) to get a solid stable build up that is full of clean coding, buttery smoothness, and all around Android tastiness.  In my mind the race from 4.1.2 to 4.2 was no different.  As soon as I saw the source and binaries drop for the Toro variant of the Gnex I started to chomp at the bit…I wanted to fulfill my crackflashing need with something fresh that my Tuna had not tasted yet…enter 4.2 stage right.  JakeDay, developer of Jelly Belly made my day on the 15th of November with the release of JellyBelly 10.0, mmmmmm.
I’ve been on this rom and loving it.  I am a fan of frills, options, speed, tranquility, and zen…all at the same time.  With this initial release by Mr. Day, the options are coming, the rom is one of muy nice AOSP at the moment, and honestly, I am not finding myself aching for 3 pages of extended settings, though they are nice, I sometimes forget how much I love vanilla, in both ice cream and Android.  This rom is packed with all of the features we’ve seen showcased in the many articles laying out what 4.2 was going to bless our devices with.  If you’ve missed them, here’s a small list of what I can recall off the top of my head:
  • Multiple Lockscreen pages (Gmail, Music, Camera – all have their own pages with more to be had)
  •  Awesome new notifications sounds, my fave so far is the new Nexus sound
  • New notification drawer layout and view
And there are many others, but at the moment, I’m drawing a blank, I guess you’re gonna have to go, download and flash it if you want to see, taste, and feel what 4.2 brings to the Gnex.  The kernel this ships with is, I believe the OE Google Kernel, I’ve had great luck and battery life with the ZenSERIES 3.0 Kernel, but every device is a little different.
What are you waiting for, head over to Jake’s page at for the Rom DL and over to Android Aliance’s page for that Zen feeling Kernel and see for yourself what myself and probably your neighbor with a Gnex are talking about.
I’m excited to see how this rom progresses, Jake’s releases of 4.1 through 4.1.2 were great, fluid, fast, and damn near bug free.  If history shows us anything, 4.2 is going to bigger, badder, and filled with many more Jelly Bellies.  Download early, download often, flash to your hearts content, and never lose the tingle on your Android palette for something new, fresh, and full of Android energy.
Jelly to the Belly Bean Jelly to the Belly Bean Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on February 03, 2013 Rating: 5

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