
Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 185 #OTP

Welcome to Episode 185 of Observed Tech - the first show of 2016! We kick off the new year talking about a great interview with Satya Nadella on Buzzfeed and how it really provides concrete insight to his approach and how he is not focused on market share for the companies products and services - especially Windows 10 Mobile. I then update on a few more additions to the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) Parade as some new universal apps are added to the Windows Store along with reports of others joining the UWP family soon. I also spend a little time talk about the app-ocalypse, a word I can not say very well, and whether we could actually use all these services in our mobile browser instead of through apps. It looks like T-Mobile may be releasing a Windows 10 Mobile device and that firmware update for the Lumia 950 and 950 XL apparently improves battery life amongst other things although I am still waiting to receive the update myself to test it out for my AT&T based 950. Security, both keeping you informed about attempts to access your account and the ease with which some companies can allow someone access to your account with public info, was in the spotlight this past week and so I spend some time talking about that and Two Factor Authentication. Some other areas that I talk about include the most vulnerable software in 2015, Windows 10 install momentum and what I want to see change with Microsoft services and Windows 10 during 2016. Of course there are plenty of other items spread throughout the show so please enjoy everything and thanks for listening.

Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 185 #OTP Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 185 #OTP Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on January 04, 2016 Rating: 5

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