
Dreaming Big and Busting Myths with @therealadamsavage To see...

Dreaming Big and Busting Myths with @therealadamsavage

To see more of Adam’s adventures, follow @therealadamsavage on Instagram. To explore more from Silicon Valley Comic Con, check out #SVCC.

For a guy with so many big-kid toys at his disposal, the two things Adam Savage (@therealadamsavage) can’t live without are deceptively simple. “A pencil and a Leatherman,” he says. “With those two things I can rebuild society!” As the co-host of the popular series MythBusters, which aired its final show a few weeks ago, Adam spent the last 12 years building and blowing up and debunking, all in the name of science. Growing up, his bohemian parents — dad directed animation spots for Sesame Street — encouraged his insatiable curiosity and intricate Lego constructions. However, “I never self-identified as a science kind of guy,” says Adam, taking a break from prepping his costume for this weekend’s Silicon Valley Comic Con. “But the two teachers who inspired me the most were science teachers who were both willing to say, ‘I don’t know.’” That inquisitiveness propelled many of the MythBusters experiments, including his personal favorite: dimpling a car like a golf ball and getting 11 percent better mileage than one with a smooth finish. “That was astounding,” he marvels. “Nobody was more surprised than us.”

by via Instagram Blog
Dreaming Big and Busting Myths with @therealadamsavage To see... Dreaming Big and Busting Myths with @therealadamsavage To see... Reviewed by Ossama Hashim on March 20, 2016 Rating: 5

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